TCC’s Support to the Clinton Foundation for Sandy


Turkish Cultural Center (TCC) gave support to the campaign to help victims of the Hurricane Sandy which was organized by the Clinton Foundation, one of the most influential civil society organizations in the US. Turkish Cultural Center attended with 70 volunteers to the Foundation’s convoy that included 1000 volunteers in total. Former President Bill Clinton was in attendance in the campaign.

Clinton Foundation that was founded by Bill Clinton has organized a help campaign for the victims of Sandy with a slogan “Support to the New York movement”.  Even though a long time has passed since the Hurricane there are some people still have needs and thus, a thousand volunteers came together to help those people. Under the support organization volunteers came to in front of the Clinton Foundation’s center in Manhattan early morning. Then, they were distributed as more than 20 buses to the places where got damages by the Hurricane. Volunteers who were given working dresses and gloves went to houses that were previously determined. Damaged things were taken off from the houses. Houses were cleaned properly.

Bill Clinton has also attended to the support campaign. By visiting the working places, Bill Clinton thanked to the volunteers for their help. He was taken pictures with volunteers including Turks. Turkish Cultural Center helped also before to the victims in places where got damaged by the Hurricane with some organizations such as Helping Hands, Relief Foundation and Peace Island Institute.


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