TAA Attends WACA Conference


On November 5th, TAA attended the World Affairs Council of America (WACA) Conference. This year’s theme, America and the World 2015, brought together leaders from its WACA’s national networks, business and civic communities, including leading policy makers and experts to discuss and engage on critical issues in the global arena.

Among the topics key covered were education, cybersecurity, youth, jobs, social unrest, Africa’s transformation, the future of energy and the changing dynamics of China, Asia and the U.S.

The World Affairs Council of America is the largest nonpartisan, non-profit grassroots organization in the U.S. dedicated to fostering grassroots understanding and engagement in international affairs and seeks to involve as many citizens as possible in an exchange of ideas, knowledge and understanding of global issues. It maintains 100 councils and over 500,000 mcuembers and participants across 40 states.


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