Response to Governor Rick Perry


For many decades now, Turkey and the United States have been engaged in a strategic alliance. The relations between the two countries are characterized by a long history of mutually beneficial political, economic, and cultural cooperation. From time to time, however, these relations were harmed by unfortunate and thoughtless comments. As a Turkish American civil society organization, we believe that the friendly relations between the two nations should stay on a stable course.


We find Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry’s remarks during a recent televised debate irresponsible and totally unacceptable, and express our hope that they will not damage Turkish-American relations either in short or long term.

As for Turkey’s NATO membership, we’d like to remind that ever since it joined NATO in 1952, the Republic of Turkey has fulfilled all of its obligations under the Organization’s rules and procedures. Turkey’s attitude toward recent issues regarding Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria and European missile shield is the best proof of its commitment to NATO.

It is with great disappointment that we, Turkish Americans, witnessed the comments based on ignorance and a desire to garner support from certain circles as the elections get closer. Such comments contribute neither to strengthening the bilateral relations nor to building a more peaceful world. We welcome the prudent and proper reaction that has come from both U.S. and Turkish government officials and express our hope that this sober stance will keep the Turkish-American relations from suffering any serious damage.

Turkish Version

Texas Valisi Rick Perry e Cevap


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