Pentagon Hosts Iftar Dinner


On July 11, 2013, Islamic holy month of Ramadan was celebrated by hosting an Iftar dinner in Pentagon. The president of Turkic American Alliance, Dr. Faruk Taban, also attended to this traditional Pentagon Ramadan Iftar. There were about 150 guests. The distinguished attendees of this event were religious and grassroots leaders in the Muslim American community, and leaders of diverse faiths and members of the diplomatic corps, Department of Defense officials, Muslim officers and their families.

The dinner started with recitation of Holy Qur’an. Chaplin Thomas Waynick and Lieutenant Colonel Shakir Khan welcomed the guests. Keith Ellison, US Representative of Minnesota, expressed the importance of serving to community. In his speech, he said, ”Don’t think that a single droplet is not enough for flood to happen. Don’t say that you are too old to manage a school board. Don’t believe that you are too young and inexperienced to generate the most successful ideas. Don’t feel bad that you are foreign born or have an accent. You still can change the world. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a great example. If he can make it, you can also do it. When I was in Minnesota, I used to criticize the politicians a lot and I never wanted to be one of them. Then, I realized that I could add value to my community. That’s why I am here.”

As a courtesy of the spiritual dinner, a 9-year-old child read the Quran and Imam Taleb prayed. Networking session continued afterwards.

During this coexistent dinner, President Obama’s wishes regarding Ramadan were also remembered. The president had said, “Ramadan is a time for thoughtful reflection, fasting and devotion.  It is also an opportunity for family and friends to come together and celebrate the principles that bind people of different faiths – a commitment to peace, justice, equality and compassion towards our fellow human beings.  These bonds are far stronger than the differences that too often drive us apart. In the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that millions of Muslim Americans enrich our nation each day—serving in our government, leading scientific breakthroughs, generating jobs and caring for our neighbors in need.  I have been honored to host an iftar dinner at the White House each of the past four years, and this year I look forward to welcoming Muslim Americans who are contributing to our country as entrepreneurs, activists and artists.”

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