Iftar at Silicon Valley


June 23, 2015, Silicon Valley, CA – Like every year Turkish Americans of Silicon valley, prepared an iftar meal that brought religions, cultures together in a dialogue. Like in previous years, Pacifica Institute sponsored the program. Gerald Grudzen, a professor at the Global Ministry University was one of the the guests that attended the iftar. He talked about the the new ways to improve dialogue between South East Asia, Africa, and the United States. He said, “We started doing different kinds of dialogue programs in Bangladesh, Kenya, and East Africa.” Grudzen also stated that they are allies with the Gulen Movement. They started organizing trips to Turkey, that connect people, help them get to know one another and expand their horizons. During the program Grudzien, facetimed professors at Kenya and Mombasa, to show the program to them.

Dinner was served after the program, mostly comprising of Turkish cuisine and delicacies. Some of the guests reiterated that this was the first time they were having iftar in their lives.



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