TAA Holds a Board Retreat


Turkic American Alliance with the help of Multicultural Mosaic Foundation held its first Board Retreat for the leaders of its member Federations at the Snow Mountain Ranch located in Granby, CO.

This program, which coincided with the National Celebrations of the Independence Day, gathered more than 20 people, particularly, Federation Presidents, Cultural and Dialog Center Directors, and several other active members of various organizations. From July 2-4, President of the TAA Faruk Taban led the retreat, where he shortly summed up past major events and briefed on the upcoming programs of the TAA including Ramadan related ones. This event was organized by Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, which was founded in 2003 and currently based in Aurora, CO.

Participants of this retreat shared summaries of their programs and proposed very helpful suggestions regarding upcoming events. This type of retreat program helps to reevaluate the organization’s vision by sharing strategic planning workshops with other members, discussing organization’s mission, and proposing new ideas for a more efficient communication among Member Federations and TAA.

At the end of the retreat, participants suggested to make it an annual retreat and gather by hosting local member organization in different parts of the US.


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