The Abant Platform’s 29th international forum titled: “Africa: Between Experience and Inspiration.”


On June 28-30, the Abant Platform organized  29th Abant international forum titled: “Africa: Between Experience and Inspiration” in Abant, Turkey.

TAA President Faruk Taban attended the Abant Forum and had a meeting with the delegations including Minister of Education of Mali, Former Turkish Minister of Finance Ekrem Pakdemirli, two members of African Union, and Nigerian journalist Belkis Muhammed. Dr. Taban mentioned that they exchanged ideas about certain humanitarian and educational projects with individuals from some African countries.  The delegation emphasized on the importance of African images and realities as well as the contribution of African values to universal coexistence.

The distinguished attendees were more than 160 intellectuals, journalists, leaders, activists, and academics from Africa and Turkey.  During the platform, the attendees met with their Turkish counterparts and have free discussion on the following topics in five separate workshops: Africa: Images and Realities Contribution of African Values to Universal Coexistence, Education in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, Health in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, Economic Development in Africa: Different Approaches to Sustainable Growth.The Abant Platform, one of the world’s foremost civil intellectual forums, has been founded by the Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) to organize events promoting peaceful coexistence through tolerance and dialogue.


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